SBI Mutual Fund (MF) and Tata MF on Wednesday purchased shares of Ratnamani Metals & Tubes for Rs 262 crore by open market transactions. In accordance with the block deal knowledge accessible on the Nationwide Inventory Alternate (NSE), SBI Mutual Fund bought 7.55 lakh shares, whereas Tata MF picked 30,000 shares, amounting to a mixed 1.12 per cent stake in Ratnamani Metals & Tubes.
The shares have been picked up at a median worth of Rs 3,335 apiece, taking the combination deal worth to Rs 261.80 crore.
After the most recent transaction, SBI Mutual Fund’s holding in Ratnamani Metals & Tubes has elevated to 2.28 per cent from 1.21 per cent. In the meantime, Singapore-based Nalanda Capital by its arm Nalanda India Fund offloaded 7.85 lakh shares of Ratnamani Metals & Tubes on the similar worth. Shares of Ratnamani Metals & Tubes fell 1.27 per cent to shut at Rs 3,325.10 apiece on the NSE.